Saturday, April 23, 2016

Dearly Beloved

The news that Prince Rogers Nelson had passed away, earlier this week, took the Internet and media outlets by storm.  It was an unbelievable piece of news that no one wanted to believe.  When I first heard of it I immediately thought it was a social media hoax.  But, once CNN flashed "Prince Dead at 57" I knew it was true.  Prince, was a musical and creative genius.  Credited with defining the Minneapolis sound, Prince was also a prolific songwriter.  He has worked with a multitude of artist including Sheila E., The Time, Sheena Easton, Chaka Khan and The Bangels to name a few.  He has reinvented himself over the years, not for media attention.  But, as a testament to his personal growth and self awareness.  He will most be remembered by the younger generation as the artist formerly known as Prince when he took on a symbol to express himself.  But, my generation and before will remember his music and his provocative autobiographical ground breaking movie Purple Rain.  He was a true artist that will be missed. But, like Michael, Whitney, John and Luther who went before him, the music will never die. 

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