Friday, March 25, 2016

Batman V Superman Spoiler Free Review

Well, I just saw Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and I was so adamant about checking it out tonight. But, once the movie started, I realized this could have waited until next week or the week after. I am not going to spoil it until Sunday during my podcast review. But, I will say this.... On a scale out from 1 to 10 this movie gets a 4.5... I did appreciate Gadot's efforts as Wonder Woman. But, there wasn't enough of her to make you even care if she was in the movie or not. The obligatory Wayne Murders' scene was corny. Lex Luthor was laughable, but not in a good way. I did enjoy Affleck’s portrayal of Batman. But, that’s about it. And Superman, although Cavil is perfectly cast, he just isn’t that interesting. I believe Lois (Amy Archer) carried the entire story. And the rest of the supporting cast were forgettable, even Lawrence Fishburne. The other future team member cameos were dumb and uninspired. And the choice for The Flash seeing his “debut” made him look more like a character from the Vampire Diaries. Which could and should have been Grant Gustin. Did I say the first 1 hour and 45 mins was a snooze fest and I think I actually fell asleep? This was dumb and far fetched even for a comic book movie. They really need to take a page out of Marvel’s play book because it doesn’t look like they know what the hell they are doing with their own properties. Anyway, look for my complete spoilery review on this Sunday’s podcast.

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